How to Put Google Chrome on Desktop Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Putting Google Chrome on your desktop in Windows 11 is a simple process that can be done in just a few clicks. By following the steps outlined below, you’ll have a handy Chrome icon on your desktop in no time, allowing for quick and easy access to your favorite web browser.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Put Google Chrome on Desktop Windows 11

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to note that adding Google Chrome to your desktop will allow you to open the browser directly from your desktop without having to navigate through the start menu or search for it. It’s a real time-saver for those who use Chrome frequently.

Step 1: Open the Start Menu

Click on the Start Menu button located on the taskbar.

The Start Menu is your gateway to all the applications installed on your computer. It’s typically symbolized by the Windows logo. Once you’re in the Start Menu, you’ll see a list of apps and programs.

Step 2: Locate Google Chrome

Scroll through the list of applications until you find Google Chrome.

If you’ve recently installed Chrome, it might be at the top of the list under the “Recently added” section. Otherwise, you can find it alphabetically arranged in the list or use the search bar at the top of the Start Menu.

Step 3: Right-click on Google Chrome

Right-click on the Google Chrome application.

A right-click on an application will bring up a context menu that provides several options. In this case, we’re looking for an option that will allow us to add Chrome to the desktop.

Step 4: Select “More” from the context menu

From the context menu, hover over the “More” option to expand it.

The “More” option usually reveals additional actions you can take regarding the selected application. It’s like a hidden treasure trove of shortcuts and advanced features.

Step 5: Click on “Open file location”

From the expanded “More” menu, click on “Open file location.”

This will take you to the location on your computer where the Google Chrome shortcut is stored. It’s typically in the “Programs” folder within the Windows directory.

Step 6: Right-click on the Google Chrome Shortcut

You’ll now see the Google Chrome shortcut in the folder. Right-click on it.

Be sure you’re right-clicking on the shortcut and not the application itself. The shortcut is usually indicated by a small arrow on the icon.

Step 7: Select “Send to” from the context menu

From the context menu that appears, hover over “Send to.”

This is another sub-menu within the context menu that lets you send a copy of the shortcut to various locations, including your desktop.

Step 8: Click on “Desktop (create shortcut)”

From the “Send to” menu, click on “Desktop (create shortcut).”

This action will create a copy of the Google Chrome shortcut and place it on your desktop. You don’t have to worry about it moving the original shortcut; it merely creates a duplicate for your convenience.

After completing these steps, you’ll find a Google Chrome icon on your desktop, ready for you to double-click and start browsing the web.

Tips: How to Put Google Chrome on Desktop Windows 11

  • Ensure you have Google Chrome installed on your computer before attempting to add it to the desktop.
  • If you can’t find Google Chrome in the Start Menu, try typing “Chrome” into the search bar for a quicker find.
  • Customize the Google Chrome desktop shortcut by right-clicking it, selecting “Properties,” and then “Change Icon” if you want a different look.
  • If you’re unable to create a shortcut, check if your Windows 11 settings allow for desktop shortcuts.
  • Keep your desktop organized by placing frequently used shortcuts like Google Chrome in a location that’s easy for you to access.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if Google Chrome is not in the Start Menu?

If Chrome isn’t in your Start Menu, it might not be installed on your computer. Download and install it from the official Google Chrome website.

Can I create desktop shortcuts for other applications in Windows 11?

Yes, you can use the same process outlined above to create desktop shortcuts for any application in Windows 11.

Why can’t I drag and drop Google Chrome onto the desktop to create a shortcut?

Dragging and dropping may not work due to Windows 11’s security and user interface settings. The method described above is a more reliable way to create a desktop shortcut.

Can I delete the original Google Chrome shortcut after creating one on the desktop?

Yes, you can delete the original shortcut without any issues. The desktop shortcut will still function as intended.

How do I change the Google Chrome desktop shortcut icon?

Right-click on the desktop shortcut, go to “Properties,” then “Change Icon.” You can choose from a list of available icons or browse for a custom image.


  1. Open the Start Menu.
  2. Locate Google Chrome.
  3. Right-click on Google Chrome.
  4. Select “More” from the context menu.
  5. Click on “Open file location.”
  6. Right-click on the Google Chrome Shortcut.
  7. Select “Send to” from the context menu.
  8. Click on “Desktop (create shortcut).”


Putting Google Chrome on your desktop in Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can make your computing experience more efficient and personalized. By following the easy steps outlined in this article, you’ll have quick access to the web at your fingertips. And let’s face it, we all love a good shortcut, right?

With the tips provided, you’ll be able to customize and manage your desktop shortcuts effectively. The frequently asked questions should cover any uncertainties you might have about the process. Remember, keeping your desktop organized and tailored to your needs can significantly improve your productivity.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, every second counts, and having Google Chrome on your desktop is just one of many ways to streamline your workflow. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the convenience of one-click access to your favorite browser on Windows 11. Happy browsing!

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